Last month, our son, Scott took a DNA test through 23andme which is something I had been trying to get his father to do, but he would have no part of it. Scott may have taken the test for himself, but I think I got more joy from it than he did. Now we know the Seibel paternal haplogroup, Paternal haplogroups are passed down from father to son and comes from the "y" chromosome. (Males have "xy" chromosomes and females "xx" chromosomes). Sisters and daughters can claim the paternal haplogroup of their fathers or brothers. The results of the DNA test was completely different than what I expected! ![]() The paternal haplogroup wasn't German! Here is what 23andme stated: "You share a paternal-line ancestor with Niall of the Nine"...a common ancestor that lived 10,000 years ago and is believed to have founded the Uí Néill Dynasty in IRELAND! Today, over 3 million men worldwide are descendants of Niall of the Nine. The test did say Scott was 50.9% German, he does have German lines from all four of his grandparents. He is also 46% British & Irish. My reaction went from how do I document this to who is Niall of the Nine? I have documentation of the Seibel's to the mid-1600's. in what is now considered Isenberg, Germany. How did the Seibel family get to Germany from Ireland? Oh so many questions! Then I started researching Niall, and what a story I found, complete with pagans, druids, celtics, and St. Patrick, Ireland's patron Saint ! Historians first thought that Niall of the Nines, or Niall of the Nine Hostages, was only a fable until a team of genetic researchers from Trinity College did a study and proved his existence even though some still say he was a fable like King Arthur. So who was Niall of the Nines? Who was "Niall of the Nines" ![]() Niall was an Irish “High King” at Tara, the ancient center of Ireland from A.D. 379 to A.D. 405. But even these dates are debated. His full name is Niall Naoi Noígiallach. Niall was the last pagan king of Ireland and was one of the most fruitful kings in world history rivalling Genghis Kahn. Niall was the son of the HIgh King Eochaidh Airem and Caireann, who Eochaidh had taken as a hostage from the King of the Saxons. Niall became known as "Niall of the Nine Hostages" due to his invasion and conquering of all of Irelands provinces, Scotland, England, Wales, and France and taking one hostage from each, totaling nine hostages. The hostage from Wales became known as St. Patrick who became the patron saint of Ireland. Niall also invaded all of Europe and fought and conquered the Scots, English, Welch, French, Vikings, and even Roman Empire forces. This invasion into the heart of Europe must have been how the seed of Niall was introduced into the area we now know as Germany. Niall's Childhood and Rise to King The best website I found that goes into great detail regarding Niall's parentage, birth, and rise to King is Bard Mythologies, URL: This page also has a link to a vocal reading where you can hear how to pronounce everyone's names. It is an amazing story and if you don't read any other story, PLEASE read this one!! Click Here: The Myth, Fable of Niall of the Nine A Must Read (or Hear), better than Disney or Brother's Grimm. You decide! There is also a story told on Youtube from Sandlelite Tales about Niall of the Nines: Epidsode 51 - Niall of the Nine Hostages URL: Click Here: Episode 51 - Niall of the Nine Hostages For the history of Tara and Ancient Sites, including The Mound of the Hostages, visit the website of Mythical Ireland, URL: Click Here: Mythical Ireland Other must-visit resources: Irish Genealogy Toolkit; Niall of the Nine Hostages URL: Click here: Irish Genealogy Irish Central; Three Million People in the World Are Descended From One Irish King URL: Click here: Irish Central Library Ireland, HIstory, Genealogy, Culture; St. Patrick Made Captive by Niall of the Nine Hostages by Rev. William Fleming; 1907 URL: Click here: Library Irish America; The Descendants of Niall, by Anonymous, April/May 2006 URL: Click here: Irish America Dictionary of Irish Biography Niall Noigiallach ('of the nine hostages') URL: Click here: Dictionary So in closing, my husband's lineage has great stories on both his paternal and maternal sides, especially if you like medieval times. Roy's mom has the lineage of royalty from King Alfred the Great and the nobility of Sir Roger Kirkpatrick and Sir Roger's 1st cousins Robert the Bruce and William Wallace (of Braveheart fame) and now from Roy's paternal line he has the royalty lineage of Niall of the Nines!
All I can say is WOW, we have to go back to Scarborough Renaissance Festival!
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