Everyone is always curious to know if they are related to royalty or the presidents of the United States. I have found a common ancestor with the Teague family with President Obama and now I have found the common ancestor with President Theodore Roosevelt and his niece, Eleanor Roosevelt who was married to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. My family tree software calculates President Theodore Roosevelt as being my 6th cousin 4-times removed and Eleanor Roosevelt is my 7th cousin 3-times removed. The times removed means the difference in the generations we are from each other. Our common ancestor is Thomas Croasdale and his wife Agnes Hathornthwaite. The Pollock family are descendants of Thomas and Agnes' daughter, Bridget. The Roosevelts' are descendants of Bridget's sister, Alice. Descendants of David Potts and Alice Croasdale 1 David Potts .. +Alice Croasdale >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SISTER & OUR LINE>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bridget Croasdale Cowgill ........ 2 Thomas Potts ........ 2 John Potts ............ +Elizabeth McVeagh .................. 3 Thomas Potts ...................... +Elizabeth Lukens ............................. 4 Elizabeth Potts ................................. +Robert Craig Barnhill ....................................... 5 Margaret Barnhill ........................................... +Cornelium VaanSchaack Roosevelt ................................................. 6 Theodore Barnhill Roosevelt ..................................................... +Martha Stewart Bulloch ............................................................ 7 Theodore Roosevelt - 26th President of the U.S. ............................................................ 7 Elliott Roosevelt ................................................................ +Anna Rebecca Hall ...................................................................... 8 Anna Eleanor Roosevelt .......................................................................... +Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd President of the US ........ 2 Daniel Potts ........ 2 Elizabeth C. Potts ........ 2 Jonas Potts ........ 2 Mary Potts ........ 2 Stephen Potts ........ 2 Rebecca Sarah Potts ........ 2 Ezekiel Potts ........ 2 Nathan Potts For a more thorough genealogical report and history of the Croasdale family, click on the link above to the Family History & Genealogy area and then click on Croasdale. Sources:
"Our Family Ancestors" by Thomas Maxwell Potts
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May 2023
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