The Civil War is known as the war that pitted brother against brother. I have family that served on both sides of the civil war. Each I am sure fought for their own beliefs and ideals. How do you honor one for their service without dishonoring another? I have found that for me, I have to make known their story and keep it alive as that was a part of them and their lives. I might have agreed more with one side than the other, but it is more important that they are remembered for the whole of their lives and what they contributed to their era and their families. Below is what I am sure is an incomplete list of family members and their area of service. Ultimately I have always wondered if they might have fought against each other. It may never be known for sure, some troops were at the same battles but due to capture, illness, or parole the soldier might not have participated. Union Troops 111th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company "C" John William Booth Private/Corporal Enlisted August 9, 1862 Captured July 22, 1864 (Andersonville Prison) Mustered Out June 6, 1865 Frederick Wesley Songer Sergeant/2nd Lieutenant Enlisted August 20, 1862 Discharged June 27, 1865 7th Illinois Cavalry James Josiah Booth Private, 13 Mar 1865 4 Mustered out Nov 4 1865 7th Tennessee Cavalry James A. Teague Private/corporal, 9/8/62 Mustered out 8/7/65 Jasper N. Teague Corporal/sergeant, 9/8/62 Mustered out 8/7/65 Leander Teague Private/sergeant, 9/8/62 Mustered out 3/1/65 Confederate Troops 7th Regiment, Alabama Cavalry Company A William A. Pollock Private 4th Arkansas Infantry Regiment Hardy Clayton Tomlinson Private 15th Missouri Cavalry John Jackson Ketchum Bushwacker(?) Captured July 18, 1862; Deceased 12/23/1862 34th Regiment Mississippi Infantry (Tippah Rangers) Company A Isaac James Pollock Sergeant James W. Norton 2nd Lt. Company A John F. Norton Private Company A John H. Norton Private Company A George M. D. Street Private Company G 1st Tennessee Regiment ("The 1st Confederate") Robert Anthony Roddy Anthony William Anthony Chaplain 4th Tennessee Cavalry Co. F William B. Smith 28th Tennessee Cavalry Company B James Anthony Texas 5th Regiment, Texas Infantry Company E Henry B. Pollock 10th Texas Infantry Company F James Robert Pollock Waul's Texas Legion Company A Alexander Wallin Served, But Unknown Company or Division William M. Reynolds - died at Chickamauga in 1863
John W. D. Pollock - brother of Henry B. Pollock (listed above)
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AuthorMy name is Vicky, and after researching my family history since 1999, I have found amazing stories that need to be told. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have! Archives
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