WARRINGTON STATON, married Catherine ? The maiden name of the wife was illegibl e on the yellowed records. They were married about I718= Shortly afte r thei r marriage, they set thei r faces to the south and settle d on a grant of land on the east shore of Virgini a i n Accomac County, near Cheaspeake Bay where oysters and sea foods were plentiful . CHILDREN OF WARRINGTON AND CATHERINE STATON: 1„ Joseph Staton, born about 1720 2. George Staton 3. Sophia Staton k. Keziah Staton 5• Elizabet h Staton 6. Anne Staton 7. James Staton 8. Jacob Staton 9 o Comfort Staton 10. Warrington Staton, Jr . (Thomas Staton accidentall y omitted) JOSEPH STATON, son of Warrington, Sr. and Catheri ne Staton, married Anne Custis about 1750. About thi s time the firs t Arlington , an eight gabled mansion was buil t at Mount Custis , on the shores of the Atlanti c Ocean. Here was born Ann Custis. She was a siste r of John Parke Custis , who married Martha Dandridge. Afte r the death of John, MARTHA married GEORGE WASHINGTON. Joseph and Anne had several children , but I have no information regarding any of them except my ancestor, Thomas Staton, thei r sixt h child . 00 0 THOMAS STATON, married Anne Mathews, the second person bearing that name among our ancestors. Their only offspring of which I have any record is John Staton, my direct ancestor, born 1767
- pg 233 STATON HISTOR Y Every Staton We Could Find In The World i960 Edited By Rev. John Samuel Staton 3736 Commonwealth Avenue Charlotte 5, N. C. COPYRIGHT i960 BY Rev. John Samuel Staton 3736 Commonwealth Avenue Charlotte 5, North Carolina A l l rights reserved. No part of this "book may "be reproduced i n any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without permission i n writing from the author. Published i n the United States of America