Stumpp, Karl. "The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862, Part I". Electronic edition, June 10, 1996.
American HIstorical Society of Germans from Russia. "Germanic Origins Project". Website:
Mennonite Library and USA Archives - Bethel College, North Newton, Kansas - Mennonite Weekly Review obituary: 1949 Jun 30 p. 3, 6 Konrad (Karl) Seibel b. 1863 Mar 20; d. 1949 Schlichenmayer, M.J. Life History of the Karl Seibel Family 1863-1949. Dimensions in Progress 1919-1969 Booker, TX Presented by Booker Booster Club; Editors: Mrs. Lowell Bowdle and Mrs. Mason Lemons American Historical Society of Germans From Russia. The Foundation for East European Family History Studies Russia, Select Marriages 1793-1919 Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans From Russia Volume 8, No. 2 Summer 1985 Odessa, A German-Russian Genealogical Library; St. Petersburg Archives; Neusatz Decade Files. 50th anniversary, Turtle Lake, North Dakota, 1905. By the Turtle Lake Commercial Club (Turtle Lake, N.D.) Lenhart, Ludwig, Heinrich Karl Seibel 1893 by Jack Schafer Funeral Announcement, Boxwell Brothers Funeral Directors February 26, 1949, “The Amarillo Daily News” (Amarillo, Texas) LeRoy George Seibel April 26, 1949, “The Pampa Daily News” (Pampa, Texas) in an article entitled “Students in Area Place in Events” LeRoy George Seibel February 2, 1966, “The Bakersfield Californian” (Bakersfield, California) LeRoy George Seibel March 13, 1975, “The Bakersfield Californian” (Bakersfield, California) LeRoy George Seibel Probate Records for George Seibel Lipscomb County, Volume 410, Page 674. Golden Spread Newspaper Follett, Texas Obituary 24 September 1998 for Charlotte Seibel United States Census Records War Registration Cards Birth, Marriage, and Death Certificates Social Security Death Index Records Naturalization Records Land Records School Yearbooks Texas County Government Records; Tyler Technologies; http://[email protected]
Familienforschungsverein Taurien e.V. Association of descendants of German settlers from the Taurian governorate in Southern Russia, also known as Germans from Russia or Blackseagermans URL:
Find Lost Russian & Ukrainian Family URL:
Victims of political terror in the USSR More than 3 000 000 entries in the database URL:
The Open List (Открытый Список) is a Wikipedia-style online database of victims of political repression during the Soviet era (1917 - 1991), launched in 2016 by the Russian charitable foundation Reach Out.
All-Russian online Book of Rememberance “The Repressed Russia” (Общероссийская электронная Книга Памяти «Репрессированная Россия») is developed by the Russian Association of Victims of Illegal Political Repressions. The database contains over 1.4 mln names. It includes some data from the Memorial project, but is also supplemented by the original work performed by cross-institutional working groups and researcher teams from over 60 regions of Russia.
The Immortal Barrack (Бессмертный барак) is an ambitious pilot project launched in 2015. The project’s authors declared the goal to grow its database to 6 mln names. The database is using otherwise available Books of Remembrance, but it offers a convenient unified search in them. Its main feature called “Monument” (Памятник) contains portraits and personal stories added by relatives of the listed victims. It makes this database stand out as the most interactive and socially engaging among similar projects.
The Stalin’sLists database contains information on those who were prosecuted by the personal order of Stalin and his close comrades, known as the “Great Purge” of 1936-1938. Strikingly, the lists from 1937-1938 contain 43 768 names, while between 1940 and 1950 – 1160 names. The database is searchable by name and by region.
The Shot Generation or 1937 is a smaller database containing names of the victims of repressions in 1937 and beyond. There is a search by names and by categories of people (e.g. academics, party members, priests etc.). Although the navigation is not the most convenient, the project uses original sources other than Books of Remembrance, like historical books, encyclopedias and directories.
The Reclaimed Names (Возвращенные Имена) is based on the index called "Books of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repressions in the USSR", published in 2004. It is a relatively small database, containing 209 647 names, but it can serve as additional source in Soviet terror related genealogical research.
The Gulag Online project contains data and visuals on the GULAG prisoners, with special focus on the victims from Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary. Although the website offers a relatively small number or personal stories, it is a convenient English-language resource, with useful maps and a 3D visual of the camps.
National bank of victims of political repressions of the Soviet era in Ukraine (Національний банк даних жертв політичних репресій радянської доби в Україні) is a result of a Ukrainian project, started in 1992. It includes the names of the residents of then Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic who were prosecuted by the Soviet regime for political reasons. Although this database is not very large (209 465 names), the project has gathered original information that will be especially useful to those with Ukrainian ancestry. Search can be done by name, place of birth, place of residence and full text search.
The Holodomor database (Голодомор 1932-1933) is another Ukraine-specific project, dedicated to the famine of 1930s in Ukraine known as the Holodomor. The website features a map to search by regions. On the downside, the database is not very informative, only contains names, places of residence, year and reason of death, without references to the source. The website has no information on the number of names there in the database. At the same time, this resource can be useful in Ukrainian research. Apparently, this database is based on the The National Book of Remembrance of the Holodomor Victims 1932-1933 (Національна книга пам’яті жертв Голодомору 1932-1933) which can be also viewed and searched online in separate pdf files by regions. Index of the Repressed (Indeks Represjonowanych) is a Polish project completed in 1988 - 2013 with support of the Institute of Popular Memory in Poland. It is mainly based on the Memorial society’s database, offering over 300 thousand names of Poles or those from the Polish territories at the time, who were subject to the Soviet repressions. Similar data is contained in the Kresy-Siberia database. Another useful online resource for Polish research is the Killed in Katyn index publication. It was a joint project of the Memorial society and Polish center "Karta", completed in 2015, listing the Polish prisoners of war shot by the Soviet authorities in 1940. The index is available as a pdf file, and can be downloaded and full text-searched.
Political arrests in Estonia, 1940–1988 (Politilised arreteerimised Eestis, 1940–1988) was a collaborative project of several Estonian institutions, including the Estonian Repressed Persons Records Bureau and the Information and History Committee of the Estonian Association of Illegally Repressed Persons MEMENTO. This Book of Remembrance in 12 volumes was published in 1996 and holds information on the Soviet regime victims from Estonia. Available for full text search in pdf files by the link above.
Genocide of the Lithuanian People (Lietuvos gyventojų genocidas) is a Lithuanian Book of Remembrance in 4 volumes published from 1999 till 2014. Although its content is not (yet) available online, you can send a request to search for a specific name by contacting the Lithuanian Genocide and Resistance Research Center (Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras) via email [email protected].