The Norton Family is traced to Edward Norton born presumably between 1715 and 1720.Edward and Mary (Brown) Norton, were Quakers who immigrated to Pennsylvania from presumably Armagh County, Ireland. Mary Brown Norton's parents, William and Ann, were also Quakers who had moved in 1701 to land in Chester County, Pennsylvania believed to be personally selected for them by William Penn himself. The land was right on the line between Pennsylvania and Maryland. Later, after the Mason-Dixon Line was surveyed in the 1760's, it became Cecil County, Maryland. The history of the Nortons is traced in the book "The Descendants of Mercer (Messer) Norton, 1750?-1800? and his wife Martha" compiled by Mildred Dulaney. The Norton Family became a part of the Pollock Family when John Pollock(John3, John2, Robert1)married Mary Norton(Mary3, William2, Mercer1)about 1820 - 1821. John and Mary Pollock's son, Isaac James, married Martha Emily Norton daughter of Edward(Edward3, Jacob2, Mercer1)who was the son of Jacob, Mary's uncle. So Mary and Martha werefirst cousins once removedandalso mother and daughter-in-law.
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