James was born in approx. 1620, he was the son of James Fooks of Wryley Grove, England. James was a mariner, a builder of ships, a farmer, and owned slaves. He obtained headrights and obtained land for bringing settlers to the colonies.
James and his two sons James Jr., and Thomas were believed to be members of the Virginia Company and received land grants in Accomac County, Virginia in 1667-71.
James was a direct descendant of Roger Fowke of Brewood, who purchased Wryley Grove from a relative. Roger Fowke, married April 11th, 1570, first his cousin JOAN FOWKE of Gunston, daughter of Roger Fowke, and Margaret, daughter of John Moreton.
It is believed that James first married Rachel but is not documented.
James' children were:
1. James Jr. Fooks 2. Thomas Fooks (Click here) 3. Daniel Fooks
The following are excerpts from the book "Fowke (Fooks) Family" pages 12-13 by Herbert C. Fooks which is considered the best source on the early ancestors of the Fooks family. These excerpts are taken from court records of Accomac County, Virginia.
1. Descendants of James ffowke of Accomac, Virginia. Records of Accomac county, Virginia. Order Book IV. Difference between James ffowke and Robert Hill. Order Book IV. James ffowkes 350 Acres, 7 persons. 17 August 1671. James ffowkes twice. Mary Lee, Mary Pete, Thomas Williams. Roger Buchem, William Turner. (Note: Each immigrant was allowed 50 acres of land for each person transported to America as a settler. James ffowke, twice, evidently means he brought immigrants twice. James ffookes a witness, Court record, 2. Oct. 1663. James ffowkes a tithable ... . 1. 1664, tithes, folio 72. James ffookes a tithable 1665 folio 102. Mr. James ffookes . . . difference with Teague Andrews for entertaining the said ffookes his sonne. (Presumably the son was a minor. His services and time were due his father.) 16 February 1665, folio 114. James ffookes was on the 'Jury of Inquest" for 1666. Folio 116. WHEREAS Teague Andrewshath entertained Thomas ffookes, sonne of Mr. James ffookes. contrary to law thirteen dayes, Andrews is to pay Mr. ffooks and to give bond, &c, &c 16 March 1665, folio 117. Mr. James ffookes indebted to Dennis Selevan (Sullivant). 16 July. 1666, folio 122. James ffookes a juror for (this word appears to be isupprizes) 18 Sept. 1666, folio 123. Vol. III. Mr. James ffookes mentioned, 16 October 1666, folio 1. James ffookes a juror (The same word as before) 17 December 1666 folio 6. James ffooke's case with servants, 16 January 1666 folio 9. Mr. James ffookes had son Thomas, 18 March 1666, folio 17. (See will of Thomas ffowke (ffookes) herein p. 14. Mr. James ffookes hath carried himself contemptuously towards the court (lie was admonished for punishing a servant) he is to be taken into custody and give bond. IS March 1666 folio 17. Mr. James ffookes, difference with Nich: Boot . . . but no damage, folio 30. Mr. James ffookes another difference (His receiving the title of Mr. and holding any civil office, would appear to show that he was a ship's captain . . . that is a master mariner. They were called "Mr."). Mrs. ffookes a witness 7-9 December 1668 folio 67. Ann ffookes is a member of woman's jury. 7 December 1668, folio 89. (This presumably was the wife of James.) James ffookes on a jury, 16 December 1669, p. 163. Mr. James ffookes ... . suit. p. 164. Mr. James ffookes a juror. 25, 26 January 1669, folio 170. James ffookes ... . 6 tithes 1666 folio 35. James ffookes 2 tithes ... . 1667, page 60. James ffookes from Henry Smith. 400 acres at Matchotanck neck (?) formerly patented to Price. 16 June 1668, folio 71. Mr. James ffookes 2 tithes 166S, folio 80. James ffookes of Accomac power to Daniell Foxcroft, 26 November 1668 (date of paper) folio 86. James ffooke has 2 ... . p. 113. Mr. James ffookes has 2 tithes 1670. John West petition against James ffowkes for the performance of a bargain to mend the bottom of a Sloope ... . The Sloope to be "viewed" &c. . . . &c. Court record 17 July 1675. V. 299. Mrs. Fowks ... . 3 tithes 1675 p. 325. Various depositions in the case of West v. James ffowkes ... . Court record 17 July 1675 ... . V. 300. Dimensions of Barke Phoenix built by James ffook at Mattachatanck in Accomac. Proved in open court 8 December 1685 by oaths of William Bell and Robert West. James ffook same precinct, page 413. James ffooks, of Accomac. marriner; Whereas . . . did enter into certain articles with William Willson. late of Accomac, deceased for conveying 4 00 acres south side Matchatanck creek ... . consideration 20.000 lbs. of tobacco, and cash ... . part being paid by Willson ... . and Whereas Willson by will bequeathed to Nancy Anderson daughter, of William, all bis estate and appointed said William his executor Now conveys land in question ... . sig. JAMES ffOOKS. Wit: Joseph Robinson. Robert Pott. Robert x West. N wife appears, (date about 1685) folio 424 VT. .lames ffowkes of Accomac marriner . . . power to Mr. Charles Holden to act for him . . . witness Edward and John Revell. VI-504. Vol. VIII. Mr. James ffowkes ... . 1678, page 48. Vol. IX. Mr. James ffookes. his runaway servant, court 27 March 1684. Again 4 June 16S4. folios 40 and 45. James ffooks, Accomac. power to Daniel Foxcroft, 26 November 1668, p. 86. (There was a Foxcroft who was prominent in the early work of establishing the Quaker faith in America.
In the book "Some Notes on Shipbuilding and Shipping in Colonial Virginia" by Cerinda W. Evans the following is stated: "In 1665, James Fookes agreed to build for the widow, Mrs. Ann Hack, a sloop that would carry thirty-five hogsheads of tobacco, if Mrs. Hack would supply the plank and a barrel of tar; Fookes agreed to finish the job by the 25th of December. The following summer, at the plantation of Mrs. Hack, Fookes made a formal contract with the brother of Mrs. Hack, Augustine Herrman of Bohemia Manor in Maryland, to build a sloop and have it ready by the following October. Herrman is well-known for his 1673 map of Maryland and Virginia. Twenty years later, the dimensions of the Phenix, another vessel built by Fookes, were given: length of keel, forty feet; breadth, fourteen feet, nine inches inside; depth, eight feet, ten inches." (Permission for use given by the Project Guttenberg; www.gutenberg.org)
A more thorough explanation of each court document can be found on the "Miles Files 2.2" website , URL: https://espl-genealogy.org/MilesFiles/site/index.htm You may click on the Surname Index link which will take you to the Fooks family entries.
In Memory of Colonel Edmund Scarborough II (Scarburgh) (1618-1671) and Ann Toft (1643-1687) of Accomack County, Virginia.
Fooks, Herbert C. Fowke (Fooks) Family, J. W. Stowell Printing Co., 1928. "Miles Files 2.2" website; a project of the Eastern Shore Public Library Foundation. URL: https://espl-genealogy.org/MilesFiles/site/index.htm - Johnson, Robert Leland. In Memory of Colonel Edmund Scarborough II (Scarburgh) (1618-1671) and Ann Toft (1643-1687) of Accomack County, Virginia. Robela Publishing Co., 2003 Evans, Cerinda, Some Notes on Shipbuilding and Shipping in Colonial Virginia; Project Guttenberg, 2014; URL: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/46731/46731-h/46731-h.htm